The Brazoria County Democratic Party organizes the party on a county-wide basis, supporting all local, state, and national Democratic candidates. Texas is purple and turning bluer every day — but only with ALL of us working together!
Please SIGN UP – SHOW UP – SPEAK UP – DONATE – ENCOURAGE NEW VOTERS – show your support in whatever way you can. Hope to see you soon at an event listed below!
We would like to thank our sponsors as shown below.
Presidential Blue
** Congressman Al Green
North Brazoria County Democrats Club
Avolene Change
Lawrence Change
Pam Daigle
Gene Daigle
Scott Feuless
Vanessa Arline X2
Julie Pitzel
Bob Mann
Jim Mooney
Laura Myers
Bill Myers
Pearland Democrats Club
Joan Schauer
Jose Parra
Chayo Parra
Emmett Muckeroy
Steven Zach
Louann Jones
Susan Doss
Barbara Willis x2
Kenneth McKee
Southern Brazoria Democrats Club
Sheila Tepper
Marie Hill
Norma Lostracco
Gary Jones
Margaret Jones
Juanita Crane
Cathy Bettoney
Carol Bettoney
Terry Gordon
Sky Blue
** Justice Richard Hightower
** State Representative Gene Wu
** Justice Peter Kelly
** Justice Julie Countiss
** Justice Meagan Hassan
Joe Jaworski
** Drainage 4 Commissioner Jim Mooney
** Justice Meg Poissant
Slate Blue
** Justice Charles Spain
Blue Plate Special
Lisa Ford
Amanda Polk x2
Junious Williams
Ava Parker
Kurt Bohren
Judy Van Cleve
Quentin Wiltz
Monique Wiltz
Kristy Blake
Ann Shetler
Patty Salinas
AJ Johnson
Independence Blue
** Heli Prilliman
** Stephanie Baird
Kerry Baird
Kevin Murphy
Darcy Bryan-Wilson
Kris McGarvey
Karen Meyer
Susan Carnaby x2
Patricia Ridioux
Thelda Eiwuley
Robin Fulford
** Rhonda Hart
Christina Delgado
Melanie Oldham
Cheratta Campbell- Roberts
** Marquetta Greene-Scott X2
** Thierry Tchenko
Gloria Martinez
VonDell Byrd
Don Mac Gregor
Julianne Issacs
Chirvone Hymes
Gracie Pequeno
Armando Pequeno
Ursula Sereal
Music and Ambiance Sponsor
Charles Morgan
Monica Morgan (Chair, Brazoria County Democratic Party)
Floral Sponsor
Cathy Bettoney
Loyal Patron
Carol Krenzke
Vanessa Fillman
Sandra Shiring x2
Barbara Seaton
Cooper and Leilani Snapp
George Letchworth
Kathleen Brennen
Rose MacAskie
Please know that every penny raised through this event will be used to reach voters and help Democrats win in 2024!